Well, typical of many things about my middle-aged self, I seemed to have worn out faster than I expected. Today was the half way marker of the trip. Tonight I have been sad. Before I decided to be sad, I was just grumpy - that is the way it usually goes with me. I remind myself of an over-tired toddler actually. And I think that is probably half of it. I am a little weary of Julia's cold which woke her often in the middle of the night and keeps her on my hip the large portion of the day. I have long lists of many things to do before the rest of the Depret-Guillaumes come home. I hope my expectations can meet my reality soon, otherwise it could get uglier....

Here is tonight's version of the other half of the family. The internet connection was worse today so the picture is rather fuzzy, but I am still so happy to see them for a few minutes each day. It sounds like all is still going well. Ellie looks a little floppy in this picture because about two minutes later she was asleep. She just falls asleep anywhere, I have seen it twice now and it reminds me of puppies who will all of the sudden drift off where ever they are.
Tomorrow night the Nortons are coming over to help me set up Ellie's crib. Julia's crib had Maggie and James in it and then went to India with the Richmond family where two of their children used it. For some reason they chose to bring it back and we still had it in our basement (not suprising for those of you who know us) when Julia came along. I enjoyed setting it up for her, paint chipped and all. It had history. Loved children had rested there.
Happily, Julia is still in that crib, so we needed a second. Ellie's crib comes from precious friends of ours whose four children used it. Two of the Cochrane clan were adopted from China. Their third child, their Julia, was inspiration for our whole adoption journey so I just love that Ellie will now be using something from them!