Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Updating - or not really.

I have been wanting to write something for awhile....praying for one of those God given bursts of brilliance(ha,ha), but nothing has come.   It is hard to explain how it is that I can have a million thoughts bouncing around in my head and in my heart but somehow nothing to say at the same time.  Nonetheless, that is where I am.  And Ginger will understand what I mean by that even if no one else does.

I think part of the problem is, there are a number of little sad motifs in our life and I am not always sure what to do with them.  Some of them are not really my story to tell, although they affect me deeply.  Some things I just don't have the words for yet.
I don't really want to bother writing a blog though that might "inspire" a few but predominantly annoy most with it's well-staged photos and ever-happy writings.  If God is to be glorified in this, or in any other aspect of my life, it has to be on His terms.  And, His terms, do not, for the most part, look particularly neat or organized or pretty.  Any ten minutes of Bible reading will show you that.  He actually seems most apt to show up in some of the ugliest moments, in the most unlikely circumstances, in short, in the messiest places of our lives.

So, we are plugging along.  I think people are adjusting.  I think that is very much still a present tense verb in our lives.  I think that it includes all six of us.  I think it could have been a lot harder than it has been.  I also think it has been harder than I thought or, more accurately, that different things are hard than I expected.  By grace perhaps though, there is little time to think about it.  Mostly, I feed people.  Then I clean up after them.  Then they are usually hungry again.  Sometimes I just skip the part about cleaning up. 

While I am on that topic I want to thank three more people who have contributed to the mostly endless endeavor of feeding us!  Kathy, who has a sewing blog, but really ought to have a cooking blog, brought us a chef salad with this scrumptious homemade Parmesan peppercorn dressing that I virtually licked out of the bottle when we finished it up!  Amye, who is particularly good at finding great recipes, brought us chicken and rice and steamed carrots and something called Scottish Oat cakes, which were an absolute delicious tasting cross between bread and cookies.  Sharon brought what she termed comfort food.  A delicious chicken casserole and salad and cookies!  The most comforting thing though was having someone else think of it and fix it, don't you think?  Thank you sweet people for loving on us in such sweet and tangible ways!!

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